May 17-19,  2019  at Fire Mountain BSA Scout Camp, Mt. Vernon, WA

Another AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, CHARACTER BUILDING weekend we had—-the weather mostly cooperated too.


Attendees: 26 Troops (sadly 2 cancelled)

Head Count: 282 people attended Cascade Challenge 2019

Girl Scouts: 167

Leaders: 52

Committee: 5

Head Judges: 4

Judges: 54

Challenge Dinner Food Wranglers: 2

Photographers: 1

Volunteers who travelled the farthest: Judges: one from Oroville and Spokane, and Bremerton.

Troops who travelled the farthest: From the east, the Spokane troop, from the westside, Bremerton and Lake Tapps.

This was year #37 for Challenge.

Photos: Visit us on  Facebook: GS Cascade Challenge

               Challenges for 2018 were: All challenges include the respective GSWW Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints.

    • Firebuilding- With your ten essentials packed, show us your campfire skills to accomplish a task.
    • Team Dynamics- Your positive & cooperative teamwork skills will lead you to success.
    • Animal Awareness-Bears, cougars, & mini bears: tracks & scat, and food caching.
    • Archery-Archers to the line, safe straight shooting hits the spot!
    • Campsite Maintenance– Demonstrate how well you establish & keep a ‘good’ safe campsite.
    • Challenge Dinner– Prepare a creative & nutritious dinner with surprise ingredients (revealed to only the Cadette troops upon arrival Friday).All prep & cooking is done without leaders present.
    • Senior/Ambassadors on Friday: In addition to Campsite Setup of the basics. You will continue on to have your site ready/complete to be judged for Campsite Maintenance, without your leaders.
  • Leader’s Challenge: Paperwork, letting go, & more. This does not affect the Troop’s score.

More Info: Contact, Ellen “Jasper” Govan, Girl Scout Volunteer & Committee Chair

Email: gscascadechallengeinfo@gmail.com